
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

For Trayvon

because you were black and wearing a hoodie,

because you were there, caught in the middle,

you have been martyred for our country's duty.

zimmerman liked guns and playing good. he

called the police, paranoid, charged you idle

because you were black and wearing a hoodie.

on the phone, like a “good” concerned citizen would, he

said “these assholes, they always get away.” (now how's that for a riddle?)

you have been martyred for our country's duty

to outrage. from your murder, Trayvon, already some good, see,

has come. your name will mean challenging hatred's acquittal.

because you were black and wearing a hoodie;

these are not reasons. no ground was stood. he

lied. why? why is humanity so brittle?

you have been martyred for our country's duty

because you were young, because he was moody,

because you were walking, because you bought skittles.

because you were black and wearing a hoodie,

you have been martyred for our country's duty.