our ancestors are wearing t shirts too, now,
the black and red ones with Not In Our Name
they're shutting down the offices of heaven
the cosmic businesses that fuel the slaying
they're rising with us, mirroring our movements
because we finally have heard their cries
across the veil where they march in millions
alongside all the peoples who've survived
their shares of genocides and more by tenfold
and lived through holocausts that never stopped
and all of them are screaming break the cycle
oppression doesn't end when it is swapped
the martyrs of millennia of struggle
of every land and people under fire
the dead of Gaza, Vietnam, Chiapas,
the Philippines, South Africa, the choir of
sixty million Africans who perished
in the hells of their captivity and thrall
the hundred million Native people slaughtered
in the willful violence of the settlers' sprawl
have all been organizing up in heaven
with other martyred souls of streamlined deaths
of gas chambers, of witch trials, of bombings,
forgotten peoples robbed of names and breaths
the billion mothers forced to watch their children
starve to death or die of labored thirst
the billion desaparecidos stolen
from their loved ones, planted in the earth
are rising now in this historic springtime
in which we are the gardeners of dreams
the midwifes of this greatest revolution
any living being on earth has ever seen
the overcoming of the threat of hunger
the fruits of human efforts shared by all
the end of slavery in all expressions
the answer to all of our prophets’ call
they're speaking to us, louder now than ever
it isn't hard to make out all the words
you only have to turn down all the TVs
and radio theater of the absurd
and listen – they are weeping, they are shouting,
with the grief and rage of these two thousand years:
It is up to you to choose Life for our children
The seeds of martyrs must be watered with your tears
Only then can life begin to truly flourish
Only when you take as freely as you give
Only then will you remember us with honor
Only then can we begin to really live