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Tuesday, October 9, 2012


 A Hip Hop Manifesto for John Sacelli

“Equate rhyme with reason” – Saul Williams

ever notice how certain words seem meant to rhyme
and you know this because they get used all the time
together / weather or not it’s cliché / its music /
assume it’s a part of this way we communicate /
ruminate on this thing called language
and tell me it isn’t how we sing all our anguish
for Love / for connection with others / reflecting
Mother Nature above and below us / all around us /
what miracle found us with speech?
this wizard technology through which we reach
between souls and into the very bowl of Creation?
roll with me now / i’m teaching poeducation:
welcome to Angelish 101 / a tongue
which, though strange, is so much fun /
start with the premise that all forms of Meaning are one /
then start gleaning Truth from all wordplays and puns /
find Divine by uniting both sides of the mind /
drink the Wine of you / you are Buddha-full Being /
look within at the Starlight / then bring what ur seeing
to yr outer spacetime / write yr life in alignment
with the Stream / a line meant to carry yr dreams / see
speaking is prophecy / gods work on teams /
words are weirds, which is why they are spelled /
by the words we speak our own lives are held /
we are sentenced to live by the spells which we cast /
so we speak sentences / intentions that last /
as humans we must learn to master this magic /
now pay close attention cuz it’s gonna go fast / yo
this here be lyrical alchemy / all – key – me /
as in the key to knowing All be me /
my own soul is the key to unlock Heaven’s gate /
now please allow me to demonstrate /
homophones are Dhamma poems: my eye is my i /
hay más en otras idiomas / ai ai ai! /
ah more! / bilingual puns / i love em /
they may be bad but i can’t act like i’m above em 
anymore than the sun shining like my sol /
can’t deny the pun-ness / it’s waving like ola! /
God’s Poetry / Jah know it’s me /
why i’m sowin seeds over these flowin beats /
Spirit kicks / 26 letters let Her out /
went to college but self-knowledge was a better route /
g – u – r – u: yr own guru
lives inside / that’s right / jesus? gee, he’s us!
mind-blowing or what? find knowing in gut /
are you getting it now? are you letting it touch?
are you getting in to it /  getting better intuiting
this duet between language and music we do /
that’s Angelish / funny and deep at the same time /
beauty rings true when you hear that name chime /
it’s the game of rhyme, played since ancient times /
relating the Divine thru fun puns and punchlines /
hip hop does the same thing / check it /
off the list / i’m poppin off with this now /
it’s mystical code / the artistic mode
which insists upon going the unknowable road
into Self / travel deep / and keep going /
delving / unraveling knots / watchu know?
break it down like this / make it sound right with /
with the beat you bring / when you speak truth, sing / say,
this musicality is sacred stuff /
True Reality / we didn’t make it up /
it was always there / drifting on the air /
in the moving breeze sifting thru the trees /
in the rolling seas / the drumming raindrops’ soothing
percussion / the thunder booming from above /
in bird calls / and fall leaves underfoot /
humans understood that this Wonder was good /
that these sounds we heard were like god’s own words /
so we started responding and the line got blurred /
imitating Nature’s abounding creations
we channeled Her magic into sound vibrations /
and this imitation must have been the first music /
and thus the first language / how else could we do it?
every body understands beating drums / our hands
speak a vocab we didn’t make / Life planned it /
we were blessed with bodies and rhythm came with em /
an inborn god-given mystical system / a way
to pray thru play so stay ok always /
all days of living are sacred in all ways /
as kids, we knew the Truth / that it’s magic /
now we must access our youth and imagine /
i – mage in me – must defy limitations /
reclaim citizenship of the image – eye – nation  /
revise the pre-sent with the eyes of a poet /
reinvent the world and humankind as we know it /
it starts with a question: a quest – i – on /
who am i? how do i pen my song?
change starts with the songs and the wrongs you right
within yr search / u n i verse from the Poetree of Life /
best be leaf! / manifest O! / let my chi ka go! /
free myself so i can help my people get goin
like moses / i know it / you don’t have to believe it /
it’s just mythology / my theology / see in
this human existence there are only fictions /
pick yr reality / make yr own dictionary /
speak Angelish / the original language /
before babylon babbled on its mad path
in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God
and the Word was God / and the earth is Her body /
but Her soul is eternal unnameable Tao /
primal power / the meaning of WOW / this Now /
now how we gonna save this / take this home?
the answer’s in sanskrit / the base is OM…

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